Wednesday, August 11, 2010

He's Here!

This is Tates first day at his new home!

So, Sunday August 8th 2010 was the day. I went to pick up my puppy. When we got there his  mommy(the human one cried :( )so we stayed there for a while until she felt a bit better. Then we got his vet records, and left. He weighed 2 pounds 15.5 ounces When he was 3 weeks old, and 3 weeks later he was weighing in at 9 pounds 2 ounces. So far, he is doing great with the potty training. He has not had a single accident yet (fingers crossed). The chewing though is a whole other issue. He gets into EVERYTHING! My hands are all scratched up. He is also sleeping well at night. The first night he was home he was okay if the radio was on. He woke up every 2 house crying to go to the bathroom, went straight back to sleep afterwards. Last night he slept untill 3:30, then again till 6:45! I miss sleeping in. Tried sweeping today. Did not go so well, my broom gained 10 pounds lol.

Nemo is also adjusting well to Tate. Nemo even kisses him, and tried to lay with him the other day. Too cute, wish I had my camera. Too bad.

This weekend we are supposed to be going to Toronto to deliver our lizard to his new home. I am afraid Nathan is going to back out. He already said he feels bad. I just want him gone. He does nothing for me lol. He just sits there and costs money. Also we need to have live crickets in the house and they are super loud at night. Hope he goes through with it!

Other then that not a whole lot is new with me. Oh my work called to ask if when she makes my schedule for September if I want nights, or days. Of course I said days! But I also said if only nights are available I'd take it. I need work!

Anyways, I better let Tate out for a pee or we will have our first accident.
Talk to ya later gater

1 comment:

  1. Omg he is just so cute.. Take lots of pics cause he will be big before you know it!!
