Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tate's second birthday

Today Tate turns 2!! Happy birthday buddy!.! He looks so impressed!!

Police chase

So a few weeks ago I'm on the bus on my way to work. I see a red car up on the curb. So we're all trying to get the liscene plate number when we see a cop car come out of no where!

So this red car is hitting every car in sight trying to get away from the police(was like an episode of cops) so the red car finally stops, and the cops get out of there car, guns drawn!! They are like kicking his car to get him to come out. What does he do? He takes off again! Craziness!

They did end up having to shoot him! Honestly what goes through people's minds? Does he honestly think he was going to get away??

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Moms for the weekend

So, this weekend is my moms "32nd" birthday... Also known as "48th"! Since Nathan had to work Saturday, I decided to just spend the whole weekend at her house.

This is my first whole weekend away from my puppies, and I miss them like crazy! Can't wait to see them!

So friday night we went to the ganny for some drinks. Then when we got home my brother dillon and I decided to do some "crayon art". It is a pretty neat peice of art. If my flower was better mine would be perfect lol.

Saturday, my mom gave me a mani/pedi :D. My grandparents, and sister also came over and we played some really confusing game called "wizard". I think by the end of it I was starting to finally get the hang of it.

Sunday, we are going to the mandarin for an early dinner, followed by a the movie "chimpanzee".

Then I will get to go home and see how excited my puppies are to see me!

Happy 48th mom! You look great!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Puppy play date:)

I had my sister and her puppy over on the weekend! I love this warm weather, however I hate the mud!!

I always forget to take pics, but I do have one of my sister mallorys dog baron. Did I mention he hates cameras !!

Hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather!

Monday, February 20, 2012

No more collars!!

So last weekend I was cleaning house, and heard a horrible sound coming from my backyard.

I ran to the window to see if the dogs were okay, and Sophie was pinned on top of Tate.

So I ran outside, bare foot in the snow. When I got out there, it was definitely the scariest thing I've ever seen!

Sophie's collar had gotten stuck around Tate's bottom jaw! So Sophie was being strangled and I swore Tate was going to break his jaw!!!

So we finally we able to get them apart after what felt like forever. Tate had been bitten in his face several times by Sophie as she didn't know what was going on.

We took Tate to the vet because he had a big deep cut that went from him upper lip into to his nose! Our vet turned us away because they were fully booked. So we had to take him to the emergency clinic! A nice $250.00 later everything is back to normal!

Hope everyone else's weekend was a bit better then mine:)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just like a kitten!

So, my 92 pound puppy is just like a kitten. He goes CRAZY over this laser pointer I bought. All I have to do is pick it up and he frantically searches for it!

So, back when Tater originally got neuderd, back in September I put in an order at my vet for 2 Dublin "no stink" collars. Finally after nearly 5 months we got a call saying they were in!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Closing at work!

So today, I woke up at 1030am. I still hadn't heard from work so I was getting excited to have the day off. 1230, I get a text asking me to close! I hate working late, so this shall be fun!

Hopefully Nathan will pick me up after, very scary neighborhood!!

Anywho talk at y'all later!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wake up call!

One of the Worst thing about my job, the 545am wake up calls haha! I cringe when I hear the phone ring while sleeping! Sometimes I try and ignore it, but then it comes back to bite me in the a$$! They never give up, then I get lectured!

I have also been spending some nights sleeping on te couch, because certain animals have been hogging the bed!!(all 3 of them!!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Doggie park day!!

This is Tate and Sophie's favorite thing to do! It is always lots of fun watching them play!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Been a while!

So, it has been a long time since I've blogged! And since my Tater is 1 and a half now, it really shows how long it's been.

I have a new addition to my family now as well! I have a new puppy!!! (well I guess she isn't a puppy anymore)

I made the mistake of going into the humaine society in June, and fell in love with miss sophie!

Sophie is a 1 year old great Dane , boxer mix. She is the worlds biggest cuddler!

Any who I best get some sleep! Hopefully I update more often hehe!

Later gater,