Monday, February 20, 2012

No more collars!!

So last weekend I was cleaning house, and heard a horrible sound coming from my backyard.

I ran to the window to see if the dogs were okay, and Sophie was pinned on top of Tate.

So I ran outside, bare foot in the snow. When I got out there, it was definitely the scariest thing I've ever seen!

Sophie's collar had gotten stuck around Tate's bottom jaw! So Sophie was being strangled and I swore Tate was going to break his jaw!!!

So we finally we able to get them apart after what felt like forever. Tate had been bitten in his face several times by Sophie as she didn't know what was going on.

We took Tate to the vet because he had a big deep cut that went from him upper lip into to his nose! Our vet turned us away because they were fully booked. So we had to take him to the emergency clinic! A nice $250.00 later everything is back to normal!

Hope everyone else's weekend was a bit better then mine:)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just like a kitten!

So, my 92 pound puppy is just like a kitten. He goes CRAZY over this laser pointer I bought. All I have to do is pick it up and he frantically searches for it!

So, back when Tater originally got neuderd, back in September I put in an order at my vet for 2 Dublin "no stink" collars. Finally after nearly 5 months we got a call saying they were in!